In this photo, there are three main objects
that you should notice. The star cluster in the
middle top of the photo is called Pleiades. It is also known as
Seven Sisters. This
star cluster also used as the logo for car maker, Subaru.
At the far left of the cluster, you see a patch of red light. This is a
nebula called California
Nebula. Well, most astronomical object is named after its shape or
color. It's up to you to
decide if it does look like the state of California.
The last of the three objects seen in the photo is the group of stars at
the bottom right. This
star cluster is called the Hyades and it is in the constellation of Taurus,
the bull. The orange
star in the cluster is Alderbaran which represent the eye of the...what
else, the bull.
(Nikon FM10, 50mm lens at F/2 on
Kodak 800ASA with 20mins exposure. Taken at Blue
Canyon, CA on 11th Sept 1999)
is the constellation of Cygnus the Swan. One interesting object in this
photo is the North
American Nebula. Like all nebula, it appeared reddish and looks like the
North America continent.
Click here to see the nebula in a larger
(Nikon FM10, 50mm lens at F/2.8
on Kodak 800ASA with 30mins exposure. Taken at Blue
Canyon, CA on 9th Oct 1999)
Here's the
same constellation again. However, when I took this photo, this contellation
lying near the horizon. You could see a small part of some trees at the
bottom right of the image.
(Same setup as above)
This is Orion, the Hunter. Most people can identify this contellation by
the Hunter's belt. The belt
was represented by three bright stars in an almost straight line.
(Nikon FM10, 50mm lens at F/2 on Kodak 800ASA with 20mins exposure. Taken
at Blue
Canyon, CA on 11th Sept 1999)
You are now
looking towards the center of the Milky Way, our galaxy. Here the stars
are the
densest. On a clear night, far away from city light., you should be able
to see the Milky Way
as a band of light that stretched across the sky. This photo was taken
on 11th Sept 1999 at
Blue Canyon, CA with a 50mm lens set at F2 for 20minutes.