****** PENANG, MALAYSIA ********
Welcome to my astrophotography homepage.
In this page, I will post images of astronomical objects taken with various cameras and telescopes. Some of the images, like the star trails, are so easy to take and do not even need a telescope. Most of them were taken from my backyard in Penang, Malaysia. However, there are some images that I have taken while I was on job assignment in the United States.
Go ahead and browse through the subsequent pages. I hope you'll find these images interesting. To comment, drop me an email.
Click here to send me an email.
Don't missed this golden opportunity to see this comet. It is currently a naked eye object at magnitude 3.
Write to me if you need more information on how to see this comet and comet Linear too (which I have yet to observe)
Image of the Sun in H-a light.
Click the image for larger size.
2nd October - Review of the new Canon 300D digital SLR camera. Click here for the review
Star Clusters
John Dobson
Richard Berry